The necessity of defining a General Goal aiming at the "formation of European citizens" immersed in a reality no longer national but in a "multicultural and multi-linguistic dimension" is born from the analysis of the previously mentioned documents and from the Italian social situation.  Hence contributing to the birth of a new mentality capable of going outside of its own territorial boundaries to enter into a fan type geographical dimension that knows how to experience and gather as opportunity, cultural diversity. 

  Knowledge of the English language, in particular, is the privileged path on the formative level, since it is the vehicle of entrance to the culture of another nation and in general vehicle of communication most used in the world of communications and in the workplace in particular.  It follows that the Linguistic Goals will be:  to learn a foreign language in view of pragmatic-communicative competencies as a constant for the entire formative process (see diagram 1).



The proposed general objective is that, in line with ministerial suggestions, to translate regulations and programs in terms of competencies and levels according to the parameters and descriptors defined by the European Council.

  The general linguistic aims are:

1.  Awareness of language as an instrument of communication

2.  Development of the ability of basic oral communication on precise linguistic contents in the context of the child's world. 

3.  Strengthening of the phonological aspect

4.  Development of the receptive abilities


The technical objective is that in merit of the knowledge of computers as use of multimedia means and of the computer in particular, to produce knowledge.
The achievement of a communication competency corresponding to the A1 Elementary Introductive level is expected.

Specific educational objectives.

(following are the objectives, the contents and "final descriptors taken from the documents")






A 1

Comprehends and uses common expressions and basic phrases to satisfy specific needs.  Knows how to present oneself and others and is capable of forming questions and answers on personal particulars, such as where one lives, people he/she knows, and the things that one owns.  Interacts in a simple manner as long as the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.



A 2

Comprehends phrases and expressions frequently used in relation to topics of immediate significance (for example basic personal and familiar information; shopping, local geography, work, etc). Communicates in simple routine activities  that require a simple exchange of information on familiar and common arguments.  Knows how to describe in simple terms, aspects about his background, of the surrounding environment and knows how to express immediate needs.


* from "Linee Guida" - of the Ministry Language Project 2000

(see diagram 2)


  The technological resources at which the present project aims to use are a computer lab, already active within the 10th. School district "C. Collodi" in Brindisi, containing 10 computers, network  connected by one main server, a scanner and a potential internet hook-up. 

  Professional resources include three English language teachers, having specialization certificates as required by the government, already working as specialists for the English language in the above-mentioned school district and with previous experience in the planning of English connected with multimedia technology.

  Another resource of which the project makes use is an expert in computers as team support.