The awareness of the decisive role that  the capability of communicating in at least one language of the European Community plays, in the formation of the future citizens of Europe, motivated the possibility of continuing experimentation, already put in place during the past scholastic year, with new methods of teaching/learning for the purpose of achieving levels of competency more and more in tune with the social reality in which we find ourselves.


The cultural and linguistical exchanges that society offers and demands, puts teachers in the front line with the challenge of gathering together this patrimony of incentives and possibilities, decode them within the school for educational use, so that modifying the actual, one has formed an interaction which leads the educational agency to borrow from society the technologies and  new languages in general, and make itself leader of operative methods of formation. 


The picture of Europe of the people, as units of culture, values, ways of life, of sharing of standards of progress that interact in a broader opportunity of communicational exchanges offered more today than in the past, places the urgency of constructing a "European mentality" flexible to communication, to exchange, to tolerance, and to the sharing of diversity.  In line with the ministerial project Language 2000, the elementary school participates in the construction of a "European citizenship for students", with the specific function of:


1.    furnishing the fundamentals of learning a community language; 2.       Favoring the cognitive development; 3. Metalinguistic competency and 4. cultural formation. 


       Privileged channels of contact between different populations is the knowledge of a foreign language, in particular English, as a language of transnational communication and as an alphabet of new technologies.  In this view, the English language presents itself both as a requirement for communication, and as an instrument of comprehension and in the use of computer and multimedia technology, present in all sectors of today’s work place and in daily life. 

Therefore, this project presents itself as a continuation of an experience initiated during the past scholastic year 1998-99 in the tenth school district "C. Collodi" of Brindisi with the name of "English and Multimedia", aiming at strengthening and improving the program offered, planning moments of enrichment and strengthening the curriculum, effectively including itself in the monthly educational program and not placining itself parallel to it.  The strengthening of the English language makes use of the assistance of new multimedia technology which marks  a jump in quality in the learning of a foreign language.  All with "an eye" on Europe, sharing with it the standards in terms of competency, and of levels and shortening the distance with our foreign partners.





An attentive analysis of the document provided by the Ministry of Public Education  "Language Project 2000" outlined the guidelines essential for the drafting of the present project, this document being the primary starting point.

In the context of the European Council the results of the research and studies were joined in two publications of major importance: The European Linguistic Portfolio and The European Common Reference Picture (Strasbourg 1997) that presents "learning blocks" that lead to the attainment of competency levels, from which are taken points of reference essential to outline descriptors and levels of competency (from Picture pp. 13-14), hence ways of verifying said abilities.  The levels indicated will be adapted to the specific territorial and scholastic situation of the "Collodi" school district forming a unique and individualized model.

Further information was taken from L.440-12-Dec.1997, on the intervention and suggestions indicated by the Ministry.  This route finds fertile ground in the prospect of scholastic autonomy and in the instruments of flexibility highlighted in D.M.251\98 art.1, which allows for flexibility in the time, table, the flexible articulation of the class and the steps for continuation, of which the present project can make use of in continuation of the previous project, presented and set up in the C.Collodi school district, 1998-99 "English and Multimedia".